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Sri Krishna Janmashtami

Chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita - The Yoga of Renunciation

"Both renunciation and yoga of action lead to freedom; of these, the yoga of action is superior to the renunciation of action."

"The same divine is in every being. So, service of man becomes worship of God. Sri Ramakrishna expressed it in a very beautiful language: 'every jiva is Siva. Service of the jiva is worship of Siva.' So, we get today pure Advaita, non-dualistic philosophy, leading to love, compassion, and service."

"He or she should be known a constant sannyasi, who has no personal likes, nor dislikes; for, free from the pairs of opposites, O mighty armed, that person is easily set free from bondage."

"...'who has no hatred for anybody, and who is not greedy to possess everything for oneself'... 'free from the pairs of opposites' in society, like good and bad, happiness and misery...'his or her mind is steady even in the midst of all these dualities'...'he or she gets freed from all bondages easily', when he or she develops this kind of mind. You are in the midst of work, in the midst of problems, but your mind is so trained, so as to be able to remain calm and steady and face all these challenges before you.

"It is the mind that is a sannyasi, the attitude you have developed. Your work is going on for the good of the world. That will continue. But your mind has become free."

"Childlike or immature people, not the wise, speak of Self-knowledge and yoga of action, as distinct; one who is truly established in one, gains the fruits of both."

"Those who are highly intelligent and wise, they will never say that these two are different. Why? 'if one is well established in one, he or she reaps the fruits of both'. That is the language. You are doing karma-yoga, be well established in it. You are as good as a sannyasin who has renounced everything and gone to the forest. This is the great status that Sri Krsna gives to the householder who lives and works as a karma-yogi; the person who has human responsibilities to discharge and works hard -- people who have to face challenges, difficulties, and family and social responsibilities." -- Universal Message of the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Ranganathananda

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